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Sewer & Septic Tanks - Questions & Answers

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How much will it be to replace a sewer pipe thats broke



The cost of replacing a broken sewer pipe depends on several factors such as the extent of the damage, the location of the pipe, the materials needed for the replacement, and the labor costs. It is best to contact a licensed plumber or sewer contractor to assess the situation and provide a cost estimate....Read More

Can a failed septic system in Clearlake wa. Be replaced?



Yes, a failed septic system in Clearlake, WA can be replaced. Homeowners can hire a licensed septic system installer who will assess the situation and provide recommendations for replacement. The old system will need to be properly removed and a new one installed according to local and state regulations. The cost of replacement will vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, but it is important to address a failed septic system promptly to avoid potential health hazards and environmental damage....Read More

estimate to connect to the sewer line in the street



my question from an approved contractor

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how much would it cost to have a sewer line checked for clogs



The cost of checking a sewer line for clogs can vary depending on factors such as the location, severity of the clog, and the amount of time and effort required to perform the check. On average, the cost can range from $100 to $800 or more. It's recommended to contact a local plumber or sewer cleaning company to get an accurate estimate of the cost....Read More

My neighbor's sewer water is coming up in my house through the drain



No, It is not. I assure you whoever plumbed that house when it was built did not also plumb your system for the joy of working. That POO is yours.

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